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Campaign Blog

Facts,Burning Questions,
Insights, ideas, & opinions


Never have so many done so little with so much. Repent America.

Is it too much?

Is it too much to demand a leader to have the vision, vitality, and integrity to lead us and represent us on the world stage?


Obviously I condemn the gun violence this weekend. I also cannot help but point out the irony that a young man bullied all his life tried to kill the biggest bully in...

Trump near miss

I hope that people who take the 2nd amendment right to bear arms to the extreme have a third of the  empathy for all the children murdered in cold blood by semi automatic...

Rural Flight

Between 2010-2020 1/2 of counties in US (1/4 of Americans) lost population. High taxes and deteriorating services= people leave.


We all make mistakes; but you don't make those who come after you, the children, pay for them: abortion, the environment, crippling national debt.

Recipe for disaster

Infrastructure Crisis 42,400 US bridges carrying 167 million vehicles daily are in poor condition. 15,800 were 10 years ago.

In heat

Bertoldt Brecht ends his 1941 play about fascism “The resistible Rise of Arturo Ui” with words that nearly 80 years later, with current the rise of fascism and...

bad to worse

You think WE got problems? Charles Taylor ran for president inLiberia, famously campaigning on the slogan "He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him."


To choose Putin over Ukraine is to choose a murderer over a freedom-loving nation and ally.

No Matter

This is a movement of moral leadership and progressive reform. No matter which other candidate you vote for- they didn't offer you that.


Mass migration is a global problem and requires global solutions. Border crossings are way down as Mexico now intercepts 8,000 a day Illegal crossings were higher under...

I didn’t. Did you?

I didn’t vote for oligarchy, for an American aristocracy. I didn’t vote for that. Did You?

Health Care Big Health & Big Pharma

Health care Big health  Big Pharma Health insurance companies take premiums &search for reasons to deny care= stealing CVS= 1/4 of all pharmacy sales 92% of all drugs move...

So Desperate

Heartbreaking how many Americans are so distrustful of the govt. and disgusted with the US system. Clearly JFK was a coverup and political assassination, We’ve been divided...


Reject the ignorant tactic of trying to create viral moments with name-calling, petty insults, personal attacks on their opponents character, and convictions.

Horrible Week

Between the ugly debate between a lying Trump and a sleeping Biden, and the Supreme Court undermining our bedrock “no American is above the law” it’s been an horrible week....

Housing Crisis

US has 2-7 million fewer homes than it needs. US needs to build 1.5 million homes a year. Investors scooping up single family homes. Ordinary folks are bidding against...


Its ignorant to say that banning some weapons will lead to banning of all guns. We can have a constitutional guarantee; a list of guns that cannot be touched.

Rest of History

We’re getting to the point of there being no question that this simulation and we human humans within it are created intentionally. The question that determines the rest of...

Polarized Congress

Reasons for increased Congress polarization: 1- gerrymandering= incentives pandering to political extremes in campaigning and voting in congress 2-voters have self-sorted-...

Rage & Shame

The rage and shame our people hold because those who come after us will not have it better than us.


Child: Why are so many people really sad?   Mom: We’re living in a fake environment, with fake food, fake news, and fake people and it’s slowly poisoning our souls.


Our lame politicians are yapping about stuff that doesn’t matter like vaccines, while issues affecting health like the deteriorating quality of air; and our future like the...


We should ban businesses charging misleading junk fees. We should ban the shrinking product sizes without cutting prices.

Voter Concerns

People care about inflation, crime, immigration. Normally voters care about their own personal interests over vision or personality; except this time, for many, Trump.


Going forward, will America stand for anything besides “lets all just make as much money as possible?” Because if that’s all we have; we’re done. Our Tombstone reads...

Nazis among us

Yes we have Nazis among us. Many young MAGA embrace white nationalism, neo-Nazi symbols & terms.

Why I’m running

My campaign by the #s  Why I’m running: *1/3 eligible voters did not vote in 2020 *$32 trillion in debt *55% of Americans don't have $400 saved for an emergency *60% of...

Deaths of despair

Deaths of despair: 1- alcohol-related 2- drug overdoses 3-suicide are now afflicting all segments of Americans not just under-educated males. Whether Zimbabwe or West...


Some of my ideas on gun policy -We need strict enforcement of laws already on the books- ex. red flag laws -Every transfer of firearms must be accompanied by a background...

Pay Attention

You can predict what things will look like when people gain a greater amount of power by watching what they do with what they’ve got: -Trump & GOP- making them subservient...

Give it Everything

The true American ideal is not just short-term winning. It’s giving your all to go as far as you can go, to push on towards the impossible.

Danger of senile Leaders

When leaders grow old, tired, weak, and senile, they lose their grip and their nerve. Corruption springs up all around them, as enemies of the people seep in through the...

Culture Wars

I implore Americans to reject the endless culture wars stirred up by self-serving politicians. They keep this country divided, and ultimately decimated, by encouraging...

All Ugly

Yes the imperialism of European colonizers over the course of history was despicable. The ugly use of their superior technology manufactured into weapons to oppress those...


This country, all of humanity are at a crossroads. Our choice is between a clearly visualized dystopian future, and a new Golden age of human living on this planet, not...


There were 36 million reports of on-line child abuse in 2023.

CCP Threat

In 1964 Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai laid out Chinese policy. He said if only we had a few more Cubas in Latin America , a few more Congos in Africa, a few more Vietnams in...

Kristi Noem

Public outcry for Kristi Noem killing her puppy is probably removing her from consideration as Trumps running mate. I knew what kind of person she was when she bragged about...


I propose that any nation loses their seat on the UN security council the minute their leader uses aggression to violate any other nation’s territorial sovereignty.


It’s time we admit that sanctions on bad actors like Putin do not work, because their allies block and outsmart them.


In 2023 over 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses most of them fentanyl. There needs to be a REAL crackdown on the Mexican cartels as well as the Chinese chemical...

Worm ate his brain?

RFK Jr.-What is the compelling rationale for his campaign? His uncle Teddy Kennedy like RFK Jr. took on an incumbent democratic President. When asked why he was doing it, he...


33-40% of Americans have lost somebody to a drug overdose.


Election results are not accepted, and now neither are jury trials. The distrust in the American system is being accelerated and led by a narcissist. This insanity can lead...

What we need

We need servants; not bureaucrats, ideologues and opportunists.

End of America

First the refusal to accept the electoral process, now the judicial process. Shame on them all. Trump, the Republican party, and the MAGA movement all need to go down. If we...

Worse than Failure

The worst failure of trying to implement the COL, 2.0, is better than the greatest illusory success of 1.0.

They Say

They say You can’t do this without big money- somebody with deep pockets. I say- watch me!


Always look at how a person acts when they get power. As Trump rolled over his weak GOP opponents, and leads Biden in the polls, observe the increasingly vulgar tone of his...


1/4 of all people in the Arab world live in countries where the tate is too weak to rein in armed groups.

Tony Bellizzi is an independent, write-in candidate for President of the United States.

Tony is the founder of the grassroots “Civilization of Love” movement, whose mission is to energize people to reject the negative spiral of fear, anger, hate, division and greed that we are in, and replace it with personal and collective commitments to place love at the center.

Tony is running for President to mobilize those who want to implement the Civilization of Love mission in a serious way. Voting for President every four years is the only thing that all Americans get to do together. This campaign is the opportunity to make a huge impact on transforming both our government and our culture.

Tony has intensely prepared for both the campaign and the presidency, and is organizing and mobilize citizens aligned with the COL mission to revolutionize the political climate, process, and institutions.

America has a special role in building the global Civilization of Love, since our unique population consists of the children of the entire planet. Our commitment to this will motivate nations and alliances to follow. The impact on the future course of human history is monumental.

This is a people’s movement, and it will succeed only to the extent that people support it by actively getting involved.

Tony is on a national tour to bring his message of Building a Civilization of Love. He will speak to any group: personal, school, church, university, community-based organizations, political action groups.
He will be a guest on any podcast.
To Book Tony: Click Here

Tony Bellizzi is an independent, write-in candidate for President of the United States.

Tony is the founder of the grassroots “Civilization of Love” movement, whose mission is to energize people to reject the negative spiral of fear, anger, hate, division and greed that we are in, and replace it with personal and collective commitments to place love at the center.

Tony is running for President to mobilize those who want to implement the Civilization of Love mission in a serious way. Voting for President every four years is the only thing that all Americans get to do together. This campaign is the opportunity to make a huge impact on transforming both our government and our culture.

Tony has intensely prepared for both the campaign and the presidency, and is organizing and mobilize citizens aligned with the COL mission to revolutionize the political climate, process, and institutions.

America has a special role in building the global Civilization of Love, since our unique population consists of the children of the entire planet. Our commitment to this will motivate nations and alliances to follow. The impact on the future course of human history is monumental.

This is a people’s movement, and it will succeed only to the extent that people support it by actively getting involved.

Tony is on a national tour to bring his message of Building a Civilization of Love. He will speak to any group: personal, school, church, university, community-based organizations, political action groups.
He will be a guest on any podcast.
To Book Tony: Click Here

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Volunteer Info

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Tony Bellizzi In 2024

Politics 2.0
Government 2.0
America 2.0

Tony is offering himself as a candidate for the office of President of the United States in 2024 out of a desire to serve, and if the American people support him, to spearhead with their involvement, the transformation of our government and society.

Tony Bellizzi is offering the American people a bold, fresh alternative to the self-serving political parties and their candidates.

The Civilization of Love movement and this campaign are not about merely sending a message, or electing one person. This is a movement of the people to do what has to be done to turn our culture around. This grassroots movement knows that the only way to truly make America a nation we all can be happy and proud to live in, is love.

Our individual and collective commitment to faith and love alone will lead our country to flourish in security, prosperity, and peace.

America has been a beacon of light as the world’s first and greatest democracy.

Now we will restore our democracy, and we will lead the way forward for humanity as the first Civilization of Love society in human history.

Advocate For Youth

Tony has worked with youth and families for 50 years as a mentor, youth minister, retreat director, and prison minister. His deep passion is to heal and energize souls, to awaken faith in God, and empower others to change their lives with love. Tony has been a spiritual godfather to countless young souls through the spiritual programs and youth faith communities he has led. He has mobilized youth to share themselves through many life-changing service projects in their own communities, as well as foreign mission trips, and with those struggling with homelessness in NYC.


Tony is the founder and director of Hope for the Children Foundation Inc. a non profit NGO that empowers youth and families in the United States and internationally to lift themselves out of poverty through education and opportunity.
The HFC mission is primarily to serve those most in need. Tony sees service, outside of disaster relief, as offering a hand up, not a hand out through education, micro loans and other opportunities. Tony is always striving to affect and build communities with a culture of respect for diversity of God’s children.


The Civilization of Love movement
Tony is now leading a historic new movement calling Americans to reject the culture of fear, anger, hate, greed and division; and to embrace the priority of love in our individual and collective lives. The Civilization of Love movement offers Americans the opportunity to take their society and government back, by infusing selfless love, rather than attacking anyone else.
We define love not as sentimental emotion, but action; caring about and working for each others
growth and wellbeing.

Meet Tony

Born in Bridgeport, CT and grew up on Long Island NY, Tony Bellizzi is the oldest of nine children. Learning from his parents the value of hard, selfless effort, he began working at the age of twelve delivering newspapers, shoveling snow, cutting grass and raking leaves. He has worked as a waiter, bartender, cab driver; and an 8th grade Social Studies teacher.

Tony is a graduate of the NY State University system, receiving an AA from Nassau Community College and a BA from SUNY Old Westbury.

He has Masters degrees from Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (Theology) and Bank Street College of Education (Educational Supervision & Administration).

Spiritually awakened on a retreat weekend when he was 17, he has been on a mission ever since to offer enlightening and healing experiences to as many youth as possible, conducting over 500 programs annually. Tony is a practicing Catholic Christian, giving his life to teaching and living the Gospel.

Meet Tony

Born in Bridgeport, CT and grew up on Long Island NY, Tony Bellizzi is the oldest of nine children. Learning from his parents the value of hard, selfless effort, he began working at the age of twelve delivering newspapers, shoveling snow, cutting grass and raking leaves. He has worked as a waiter, bartender, cab driver; and an 8th grade Social Studies teacher.

Tony is a graduate of the NY State University system, receiving an AA from Nassau Community College and a BA from SUNY Old Westbury.

He has Masters degrees from Seminary of the Immaculate Conception (Theology) and Bank Street College of Education (Educational Supervision & Administration).

Spiritually awakened on a retreat weekend when he was 17, he has been on a mission ever since to offer enlightening and healing experiences to as many youth as possible, conducting over 500 programs annually. Tony is a practicing Catholic Christian, giving his life to teaching and living the Gospel.

Tony Bellizzi

First 100 Days

-weekly meetings plus as needs with NSC
-review of and meetings of all alliances

Establishing COL apparatus and policy
-White House office for the executive branch implementation of the Civilization of Love principles and practices
-WH website coordinating all COL national activity

Constitutional reform
Submit to congress legislation for constitutional changes:
1- Congressional term limits and lengths
2- ending the electoral college replaced by a popular vote determination only

Reversing the trend of few press conferences with monthly media conferences, and additionally as needed

Management of Federal Government executive branch
Visit to headquarters of each cabinet department to boost morale and lay out priorities

Fiscal responsibility
-On day one each cabinet secretary, along with my fiscal responsibility team, begins audit of executive branch departments, evaluating programs and surfacing cost-cutting measures
-Submit legislation to congress ending the cap on social security deductions for the wealthy

Foreign Relations
-Expand China desk at the White House
-Conduct conference of the Americas with North, South and Central American heads of state at Camp David

Citizen Involvement
-Establish “National Discussion” process through interactive WH website for increases citizen input
-Starting with these Issues to be studied: immigration, community building, health care, housing, mental health, guns, education, drug addiction- opioid crisis, CCP,
-establish a cabinet level position of Volunteerism- WH clearinghouse for volunteer opportunities

-Close border
-shut down immigration process for one year while we make a full accurate headcount as policy and procedural reform are determined

-Initiate a national education site of resources for all levels pre-K->12, including trade education and arts programs

-Establish a WH clearinghouse of job availability in US

-Establish a youth cabinet

Negotiate with congress and propose legislation for revamping of the tax code, including a more fair and equitable tax rate on the top 1% and the elimination of loopholes

Video Viewpoints

A collection of videos focusing on important campaign topics


Kids In America

Saving It

View the complete video library

The Issues

Issues that I believe are important to the 2024 election.
Click each topic to view my stance.

The Issues

Tony’s responses to questions posed to him regarding issues facing our country

Click to view his position

In The News

News articles about the campaign and the ACOL movement

It's time to take the big leap

Aug 2,2023 | Erin LaBelle


According to Tony Bellizzi, “It’s time to take the big leap. People are realizing the answer for the future is not cerebral. It’s time to transform the political system because it’s the way we manage our collective life.”

“We’ve tried the law of the jungle, an age of reason, an information age. It’s time to build a Civilization of Love.” - Tony Bellizzi

Noteworthy Quotes

Some inspirational words to live by.

“Don’t follow where the path may lead.

Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.

“If not love
then what?
If not for love
then why?
If not with love
then how?
If not now
then when?
If not us
then who?”

Tony Bellizzi

U.S. Presidential candidate

“Every public servant who fails to do things that are moral, legal and ethical must be held accountable, otherwise we lead the country down a path that is no longer the beacon the world hopes for.”

Adm. William McRaven

Retired United States Navy four-star admiral who served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command from August 8, 2011 to August 28, 2014. From 2015 to 2018, he was the chancellor of The University of Texas System.

Together We can Make Something Great

Neither party has served us as their partisan bickering and backbiting paralyzes our government. They have not presented real solutions or exhibited the ability to unite us.

The Civilization of Love is simply the application of the Golden Rule: You don’t do to someone else what you wouldn’t want them to do to you; and you give to others what you would like to receive yourself.


Approximate number of people living in the U.S.


Approximate number of U.S. citizens living in poverty.


Sixteen million homes currently sit vacant across the U.S. In every state across the country, many homes remain empty while hundreds of thousands of Americans face homelessness.

When we stop asking “What if?” civilizations die. My movement and campaign is based on the biggest “what if?” in human history: what if we attempted to live our collective lives according to the highest principle we know to strive to live for in our personal lives: love; transcendence of self for the good of another. We are applying on a level never attempted before, the principle and practice of love, central to every true religion and spiritual practice.

– Tony Bellizzi

Mailing Address

The Heart & Soul of America

Tony Bellizzi for President HQ
9021 Springfield Blvd
Queens Village, NY 11428


How Can I Help The Campaign?

The three ways you can help support the campaign is to either sign up to receive updates about the campaign, donate to the campaign, and volunteer to help spread the word about the campaign.

Copyright © 2023 Tony Bellizzi For President. All Rights Reserved.